
Present diabetics status in Bangladesh

One person dies of diabetes every eight seconds in the world now. This horrible news is making the whole world think. The silently deadly disease is the cause of many diseases in the body (capable of extensive damage to valuable organs including eyes, heart, kidneys). diabetics status in Bangladesh’many people use cpap bpap machine in home to support their oxygen level. the price of CPAP and BiPAP machine in bd is available to access.

The Bangladesh Diabetic Association (BADAS) took the initiative to observe its founding day (26 February 1958) as Diabetic Awareness Day to make everyone aware of the ongoing spread of the disease.

The Bangladesh Diabetic Association called on the United Nations to adopt a resolution to draw the world’s attention to the existing problems and limitations in diabetes management and to build consensus on concerted and coordinated action by all governments and peoples. diabetics status in Bangladesh

Originally on behalf of the Bangladesh Diabetic Association, at the call of the Government of Bangladesh and in an effort to promote rationality, the United Nations adopted Resolution 61/225 in 2008 by declaring November 14 as the World Diabetes Day.

Since then, World Diabetes Day has been celebrated in all the member countries of the United Nations with various relevant themes. The Blue Circle logo was chosen in 2006, along with a resolution adopted by the United Nations.

The blue circle is a positive symbol of life and health, the blue sky unites all nations and for this reason the color of the UN flag is also blue. The blue circle symbolizes a united effort to control and conquer the global diabetes epidemic.

The advice for diabetics is to eat a balanced diet, walk regularly and keep your body active, and take medication and insulin as advised by your doctor. Avoid oily and fatty foods and fast food.

The main theme of the Fourth Global Five Year Plan (2015-2019) on Diabetes Control is ‘Knowing and Controlling Diabetes’. This includes (a) empowering diabetics through education, (b) helping governments control public health risks by controlling the disease and adopting appropriate and effective preventive management action plans, (c) caring for the healthcare professional community to apply advanced technology through further research and innovation. D) Urges the general public to be aware of the dangers of diabetes and how to prevent or prevent it.

Diabetes control and prevention requires the conscious and sincere interest of the individual. However, the government and the society have an undeniable role to play in motivating the individual, providing overall support, creating medical opportunities and providing means and facilities as well as building the environment. Healthy manpower or good health of citizens is one of the mainstays of all state management.

According to the World Health Organization, the number of diabetics in the world, which was about 160 million (about 3 percent of the world’s population) in 2000, will more than double by 2030.

While the average prevalence of this disease in the world is 114 percent, the rate of spread in our country is 149 percent, which is quite alarming. According to the World Health Organization, the spread of the disease is due to the imbalance of urbanization, western food and the overall environment.

According to the World Center for Disease Control, it will be a deadly epidemic before it reaches the middle of this century.

Diabetes occurs when the amount of sugar in the blood is much higher than normal. Diabetes is usually caused by heredity and environmental factors. Sometimes it is the result of other diseases. This disease can affect all people.

Diabetes is not cured once. It is a permanent and lifelong disease. However, it is possible to control the disease well and lead a normal life by adopting modern medical measures.

Excessive urination, excessive thirst, excessive appetite, feeling weak and not drying the wound quickly when cut and torn are common symptoms of this disease. People with diabetes (blood relatives), those who are overweight, those over 40, and those who do not exercise are more likely to develop diabetes while driving and sitting in the office.

Excessive thinking, less physical exertion, injuries, infectious diseases, surgery, uneven diet, pregnancy and weight gain all contribute to the growth of this disease. In some cases, the disease can be prevented or delayed if the necessary steps are taken keeping in view these.

Diabetes is not a contagious or infectious disease. Eating more sweets causes diabetes, this idea is not correct. Food control, discipline and medicine are the ways to control the disease.

Considering the quality of food, it is necessary to take adequate amount of food regularly, follow rules or regulations in all aspects of life i.e. work, eating, walking, walking, and even rest and sleep.

Discipline is the lifeblood of a diabetic patient. The diabetic patient has to take the responsibility of controlling the disease on his own and follow the diet control and discipline as advised by the doctor.

Without a thorough education in the treatment of chronic diseases like diabetes, the expected results are not obtained. However, education on diabetes should not be limited to patients.

At the same time relatives, friends and doctors and nurses need education. If the patient cooperates with the doctor and follows his advice and instructions well and takes proper control measures, he can achieve happiness, hard work and longevity.

Since diabetes mellitus is not a contagious disease, it is still far below the priority list of health activities in almost all countries in Southeast Asia. Free treatment is provided in government hospitals but hospitalization is not allowed in residential areas of the country. The most important thing is that the need for diabetics is not listed in the hospitals that treat diabetes in developing countries.diabetics status in bangladesh

Why walk?

Walking is an integral part of human life. Undoubtedly, walking is one of the main tasks of people. So if one stops walking, his physical activity decreases at a significant rate. This increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

No need to prepare for the walk. All you need is physical fitness. It is normal for a healthy and strong person to be able to walk. However, if a person refrains from walking for a long time, his weight will increase, his leg muscles will become weak, his bone marrow or various types of joints will be affected and his ability to walk will decrease. As a result, the amount of fat in the blood will increase, the amount of sugar in the blood will increase and the person will be affected by diabetes. Major changes occur in the blood vessels and heart, with which diabetes and fat levels increase, leading to high blood pressure and heart disease. To develop the habit of walking to have physical fitness, otherwise, you can get the fatal disease.diabetics status in bangladesh

Walking is a physical activity that keeps the muscles of the body moving. As the muscles move, the blood flow increases, the ability of the blood vessels to contract and expand increases, so that the heart can pump more blood. Increases the ability of blood vessels to contract and dilate and keeps blood pressure normal. The energy expended for walking does not result in weight gain, i.e. maintaining a normal weight. As more energy is consumed, the amount of fat and sugar in the blood stays the same. As a result of walking, people lose their appetite and insomnia.diabetics status in bangladesh.

Just as walking prevents disease, it is also free of side effects. Walking is a natural medical procedure for which there is no alternative. However, those who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes are less able to walk. So start walking while maintaining physical fitness. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get rid of these diseases as you cannot walk later. People with heart disease should walk according to the doctor’s advice, otherwise, walking can lead to a heart attack. If a person with diabetes and high blood pressure does not have a heart attack, they can walk without understanding the physical skills without the advice of a doctor. However, those who do not have the habit of walking for a long time, start walking slowly in the early stages. This will increase the ability to walk day by day. Regular walking can help control these diseases, reduce complications, and increase physical fitness to prevent rheumatism, osteoarthritis, arthritis, mental imbalance, anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, and sexual dysfunction.

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