healthy Food

Food Value Of black cumin, chia seed, flaxseed, fenugreek.

Black cumin

It is not just a small black grain, it has a wonderful power of other qualities. cumin oil has more than 100 useful ingredients.Food Value Of black cumin chia seed flaxseed fenugreek is out of explanation

Black Cumin is a very familiar name. cumin is not just a small black grain, it has a wonderful power of other qualities. What a marvelous power the Creator has placed in the tiny black grains is truly amazing. Since ancient times, blackberries have been a cure for various diseases of the human body

Black cumin is an antidote for all types of ailments including hair loss, headaches, insomnia, dizziness, facial and beauty protection, fatigue-weakness, inactivity and laziness, loss of appetite, and increase in brainpower and memory.

The English name of black cumin is Fennel flower, Nutmeg flower, Roman Coriander, Blackseed, or Black caraway. Whatever the name, the health benefits of this black seed are immensely timeless. Black cumin  is native to South and Southeast Asia. Some say it originated in the Mediterranean.

What elements exist in black cumin 

Black cumin oil has more than 100 useful ingredients. It contains about 21 % meat, 36 % sugar, and 35 % herbal oil and fat. Some of the ingredients in black cumin include nigellone, thymoquinone, and permanent oil.

It also contains

  •  carbohydrates, 
  • sugars, 
  •  essential fatty acids
  •  calendula oil 
  • linoleic acid
  • oleic acid, 
  • Calcium,
  •  Potassium
  • iron, 
  • Zinc,
  •  Magnesium,
  •  Selenium,
  • vitamin-A, vitamin-B, vitamin-B2, niacin, and vitamins. C.
  • These include phosphate, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates as well as various disinfectant ingredients. It contains anti-cancer carotene and strong hormones, various anti-urinary diseases, digestive enzymes, and antacids and antacids.

According to experts, “Black cumin contains phosphate, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates as well as various disinfectants. Black cumin contains anti-cancer carotene and potent hormones, various anti-urinary diseases, digestive enzymes, and antacids and antacids. ” Black cumin is also used in Ayurvedic and Kabiraji treatments. Black cumin seeds are used to make a kind of oil, which is extremely beneficial for our body. black cumin also protects the body from various diseases

Use, benefits, and cultivation of black cumin

The uses and benefits of black cumin are called the medicine of all diseases. Many nutritionists and dieticians also say that if you can eat blackberries every day, it is easier to fight various diseases of the body. Let’s find out in detail about the diseases that can be benefited by playing blackberries-

which is extremely beneficial for our body. black cumin protects the body from various diseases

Headache: For headache, massage black cumin oil 3-4 times daily on both forehead, chin, and around the ear. Drink one teaspoon of oil on an empty stomach for three days.

Cough and asthma: Massage black cumin oil on chest and back. In this case, it can be mixed with other massages useful for asthma.

Improves memory and improves asthma: Eat a teaspoon of honey with a little blackberry. It increases memory. Playing blackberries in lukewarm water for about 45 days improves asthma.

Diabetes: A mixture of black cumin powder and pomegranate peel powder and black cumin oil are beneficial in diabetes.

Fat and heart disease: Regularly mixing blackberries with tea or drinking its oil is beneficial for heart disease as well as reducing fat.

Sexual Weakness: Mix black cumin powder and olive oil juice and 200 g pure honey and eat one spoon after breakfast. This will increase the secret power

Cure colds and coughs: Home remedies with blackberries to prevent colds and coughs are nothing new. Take a black cloth in a clean cloth, hold it close to the nose and inhale for a while. Its tingling helps to pull out the mucus that has accumulated in the chest. This method also matches the problem of nasal congestion.

Hairfall: Rub all the scalp well with lemon. After 15 minutes, wash with shampoo and wipe the head well. Then after drying the scalp hair well, massage black cumin oil on the entire scalp. This will reduce hair loss in a week.

Acidity and gastric: One cup of milk and one tablespoon of black cumin oil should be taken thrice daily for 5-6 days. This will reduce gastric

Eye problems: Before going to bed at night, massage black cumin oil on both sides of the eyes and eyebrows. Drink blackberry oil for a month with one cup of carrot juice.

High blood pressure: Whenever you drink hot drinks or tea, eat blackberries. Eating black cumin paste while eating hot food or rice will keep blood pressure normal. Besides, mix black cumin, neem, and garlic oil together and use on the head. This can be done for 2-3 consecutive days.

Fever: Drink one tablespoon of black cumin oil with lemon juice in the morning and evening. And take black cumin snuff.

Gynecology: To save childbirth and fetus, eat blackberry anise and honey 4 times daily.

Beauty enhancement: Mix olive oil and black cumin oil and apply it on the face and wash it off with soap after one hour.

Strengthens teeth: Use a mixture of yogurt and black cumin twice a day. This will stop the feeling of tooth decay and bleeding.

Lose weight: For those who want to lose weight, a mixture of warm water, honey, and lemon juice becomes important in their diet. Now sprinkle some blackberry powder in this mixture. You will get great benefits from drinking.

To control blood pressure: To control blood pressure, chew two cloves of garlic every morning, massage black cumin oil all over the body, and sit in the sun for half an hour. Besides, 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey also helps in controlling blood pressure.

Arthritis pain: Massage black cumin oil on the back and other arthritis pains. Also, every morning with honey, blackberries are good for health.

Also, regular use of blackberries provides proper nutrition to the hair follicles, resulting in better hair growth and hair loss. Many people have various problems like hair loss, weak hair, dry hair, etc. In this case, the use of black cumin several time  you can solve this

Super Food “Chia Seed” 

Chia seeds are the ideal food for those who want to lose weight fast because playing chia seeds will keep your stomach full and stop burning excess fat. People who are on a diet feel more hungry due to eating less. Eating chia seeds twice a day will eliminate this feeling of excessive hunger.

Benefits of Chia Seed:

  • Weight Loss: The main function of the Chia seed is to lose weight. Chia seeds weight quickly.
  • Meals protein needs because chia seeds contain omega 3.
  • Increases energy and stamina.
  • Improves memory and keeps mood right.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Keeps blood sugar levels normal. Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Controls diabetes.
  • Keeps toxin-free.
  • Helps healthy skin, hair.
  • Helps digestion
  • Lots of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • It contains 5 times more calcium than 8
  • There is fiber. Which is necessary for intestinal well-being. Relieves constipation.
  •  It contains B1, B2, B3, and boron. Boron binds to calcium to strengthen bones.
  • It contains polyunsaturated fat. Which ionizes calcium.
  • It contains a good amount of protein. 1 ounce contains about 4.9 grams of protein.

Diet rules:

For quick weight loss, take 2 teaspoons of Chia Seed and 2/1 teaspoon of lemon juice in 1 glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to bed at night. Soak 2 teaspoons of chia seeds in a glass of water at night, mix lemon juice in it in the morning and eat it on an empty stomach before meals. Soak at night in the morning.


Benefits of flaxseed: –

  • Helps the body get rid of contaminants. Helps in the digestion of food. Reduces excess fat.
  • The antioxidants in linseed prevent blood cancer and breast cancer.
  •  Eliminates gastric ulcers and protects against asthma. 
  • Flaxseed is very useful for those who are addicted to tobacco or other drugs. It should be released from the national drug. A patient can get rid of intoxication quickly by chewing a small amount of linseed after eating every day.
  • People with high blood pressure can put linseed on their diet. 2 teaspoons of linseed powder per day is enough. Its omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids help reduce BP.
  •  Flaxseed works to keep our hearts strong. It also helps to prevent heart block or irregular heartbeat.
  • Research has shown that linseed increases HDL good cholesterol in our body and lowers bad cholesterol. That means it controls our cholesterol
  • People with diabetes do not need to take insulin if they consume at least 15-20 grams of linseed daily. And those who do not have diabetes have a lower risk of developing diabetes if they take it.
  •  Linseed relieves our frustration and anxiety. Keeps the mood alive.
  • It increases the calcium level in our body. As a result, the bones and joints of the body remain healthy. As a result, they are less likely to develop bone diseases in old age.
  • Flax seeds increase fertility in girls and boys. Linseed is also very useful to relieve pain during menopause.
  • Linseed is a very popular grain for our hair and skin. It prevents wrinkles on the face, prevents hair fall, keeps the skin smooth, keeps the skin radiant, retains youth. It prevents acne and any skin diseases. It prevents dandruff and keeps the scalp moisturizer just right.

Eating rules: 

It can be eaten raw, so it is hassle-free! It is better to eat it in powder because it is good for digestion. If you have allergies, you must check to see if there is any problem.

You can mix 1 cup of tea for breakfast Sprinkle on top of salad; bread; dessert. Smoothies can be mixed directly into the juice

Baking food; cookies; biscuits; ban; cake; Can be mixed in.

Meat can be baked or cooked


You will be surprised to know so many benefits of fenugreek

  • These seeds are very beneficial for diabetes control and heart disease. A health website highlights the beneficial aspects of fenugreek.Food Value Of black cumin, chia seed, flaxseed, fenugreek.


After eating fenugreek, which is rich in natural fiber, it swells in the stomach. And this fiber takes time to digest and so the hunger is felt less. 

Fenugreek helps in weight loss in this process.

An antidote for fever and sore throat: Consumption of fenugreek seeds with lemon and honey is very beneficial in fever and cold. It contains wood gluten and a type of herbal ingredient that helps relieve sore throats.

To solve the problem of hair loss: Fenugreek helps to strengthen the hair follicles. Whether on the menu or used as a hair pack, there are two benefits. Boil fenugreek seeds and soak them in coconut oil overnight and massage it in the morning.Food Value Of black cumin, chia seed, flaxseed, fenugreek.

Helps in digestion: Fenugreek helps in solving digestive problems and heartburn. Fenugreek is rich in fiber and antioxidants which help in digestion and help in eliminating harmful toxins accumulated in the stomach. Soaking fenugreek overnight and drinking that water can also be beneficial.Food Value Of black cumin chia seed flaxseed fenugreek.

Controls blood sugar: Fenugreek helps in controlling the amount of glucose in the blood. It contains amino acids that increase insulin levels which helps reduce glucose levels. visit to know about honey

Increase skin radiance: Fenugreek helps to remove age marks on the skin, reduce acne problems, and reduce dark spots. Moreover, this seed also helps to restore radiance by eliminating skin burns.

Helps to prevent dandruff: In winter, the problem of dandruff increases as the scalp becomes dry. In this case, soak fenugreek in water overnight, strain the water, blend it, make a paste, apply it on the scalp, wait for 3Food Value Of black cumin, chia seed, flaxseed, fenugreek.0 minutes, and wash it off. If you want, you can mix a little sour curd with this

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