
Aloe Vera juice for hair

Aloe vera juice is very beneficial for hair. Its scientific name is aloe vera. English name Medicinal aloe. Which is a succulent plant. There are many uses of aloe vera in hair and skincare. Aloe vera is rich in vitamins, proteins, and various minerals. Which provides nutrients to the hair. And makes the hair thick and shiny.

Now, we will discuss some effective tips of aloe vera or aloe vera in hair care.

1. Castor oil and aloe vera hair pack

Castor oil works like magic in hair growth. And if you use this oil mixed with aloe vera gel, then the hair will grow faster, and if there is a problem with hair follicles, then it will also vanish quickly. You can also use this hair pack to strengthen the hair follicles and get rid of split ends, hair breakage, etc.


  • 1 cup of fresh aloe vera gel
  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil
  • 2 tablespoons of fenugreek powder(You can also use Patanjali Aloe Gel if you want)


Aloe Vera juice for hair Mix fresh aloe vera gel, castor oil, and fenugreek powder well in a bowl. Then massage it well on your scalp and hair follicles. Now sleep with a shower cap on your head. If necessary, you can also wrap a towel around your head. It will provide extra heat to the hair. Get up the next morning, shampoo well, and wash your head with cold water with conditioner. Do it at least 1-2 times a week. You will get benefits.

2. Coconut oil, honey, and aloe vera hair pack

If the hair is too dry, then use this hair pack. Because coconut oil and honey will provide moisture to your hair.


  • 5 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of honey


Make a smooth mixture by mixing honey, coconut oil, and aloe vera gel together. Then massage it well on the hair roots and scalp. Then put a shower cap on the head, leave it for 25-30 minutes and wash it in cold water, and shampoo it. Done. Use once a week.

3. Eggs, olive oil, and aloe vera hair pack

Egg yolks are high in fat, which condition the hair beautifully and give it a glossy texture. Olive oil provides your hair with the nutrients it needs.


  • Ingredients Fresh aloe vera gel 4 tbsp
  • olive oil 3 tbsp
  • egg yolk 1 tbsp.


Mix fresh aloe vera gel, olive oil, and egg yolk well in a bowl and massage it well on the hair and scalp, especially at the roots of the hair.

4. Hair pack of onion and aloe vera

This pack is very effective in growing new hair. The onion juice in this pack will not only reduce your hair fall, it will also help new hair to grow.


  • 1 cup of onion juice
  • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel


Just mix aloe vera gel with onion juice. Now apply it well on the scalp. Leave it for about an hour and wash your head with a mild shampoo. Do it 1 day a week. Within a month you will get thick black long hair.

5. Coconut milk and aloe vera gel hair pack

One of the reasons for your hair fruit is the lack of nutrition in the hair. So try to apply coconut milk instead of coconut oil on the hair.


  • 4 tablespoons aloe vera gel
  • 4 tablespoons coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil


Make a smooth mixture by mixing all the ingredients well. Now apply it well on the scalp of your head. Leave it for half an hour and wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Use it once a week. You will get good results in a month.

6. Hair pack of fenugreek and aloe vera

Very effective in hair care. From dandruff to hair fruit, from moisturizing to new hair growth এ fenugreek is the best solution to all A to Z problems of hair.


  • 2 tablespoons fenugreek powder
  • 2 tablespoons fresh aloe vera gel


Mix fenugreek powder and aloe vera gel together and massage it well on the scalp and hair. Leave it for half an hour and wash it off with a mild shampoo. Use it once a week for a month.

It is always better to use fresh aloe vera gel for making hair packs. But if you do not have that arrangement at home, then use the purchased aloe vera gel. In that case, use Patanjali aloe vera gel.

7. Lemon and aloe vera hair pack

Lemons contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps in the synthesis of collagen in the hair. And the problem with dandruff is that almost everyone knows that lemons contain yams.


  • Fresh aloe vera gel 2 tbsp
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp


Mix aloe vera gel and lemon juice together and massage it well on the roots and scalp of your hair. Then leave it for 20-25 minutes and shampoo it lightly. Try it once a week. You will see that the hair is becoming thicker and dandruff.

8. Henna and aloe vera hair packs

It is also very effective in hair care.


  • 2 tablespoons henna
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
  • 2 tablespoons yogurt


Mix henna, aloe vera gel, and sour yogurt together and massage the whole head well. When it is completely dry, wash your head with cold water and shampoo it. Use it once a week. However, do not use this hair pack too much, because henna dries the hair. So if you use this hair pack frequently, your hair may become dry and rough.


What does the aloe vera tree look like?

The aloe vera tree looks a lot like a thorny cactus. While aloe vera may look like a cactus, it is not a cactus. Aloe vera is a perennial herbaceous plant and looks a lot like a pineapple tree. The leaves are thick, with saw-like thorns on both sides and slippery shell-like saliva inside.

Where is the origin of aloe vera?

It is native to the African desert region of Madagascar. Aloe vera originated in Egypt 6,000 years ago today. Aloe vera has been used in herbal medicine since pre-Christian times.

What kind of land is needed for aloe vera cultivation?

Aloe vera can be grown on all types of land but grows well in loamy and light sandy soils. Although regular irrigation is required, care should be taken to ensure that there is no water at the base of the tree. The tree usually reproduces with the help of twigs or ‘branches’ growing from the roots.

What vitamins does aloe vera contain?

Aloe vera contains 20 types of minerals. This aloe vera contains 22 amino acids that our body needs. Also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, and E.

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